3 October 2012

memory touch-up

When days have gone and passed, often we are only left with a memory... memories that can get a bit fuzzy sometimes. No wonder people often nominate the photo album as the one thing they'd save from a house on fire! But even photos, one of the best ways for us to keep our memories, can fade and get worn over time.

Click to view before and after transition

Thank you, Photoshop. Here we have an old and slightly damaged photo of my grandma's brother – isn't he adorable as a youngster? After a little bit of touching up (and removing unwanted cracks and stains), he's looking a lot fresher. I really love photo retouching – I liken it to knitting, it's such a relaxing thing to do! You can just tinker away as the world spins on. The funny thing was that as I adjusted the image, the silhouette in the window become much more obvious – I didn't notice them before! I wonder who that was?

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