4 September 2012

the sweetest recipe

Creating an identity is one thing, rolling it out is another – and is always so much fun! You may remember me posting about the Made From Scratch identity/blog redesign I worked on... well, Rachael has since branched out from blogging into baking classes, and needed some cute little recipe cards for her delicious creations. I loved making these up, they make such sweet little sets!

The baking classes really took off, I loved checking out her Ruffle Cake Class. Are you keen to gain some new baking skills? Check out what classes she has planned this month!

Images by JEL Photography.


  1. I love the little baking cards! I got a bit of brownie mixture on mine the other day and I shrieked at my husband to wipe it off - they're so pretty! I think I need to laminate mine!

    1. That is such a good idea actually! I'm a really messy baker, and to make things worse I've got a bit of a reputation for getting things in my eyebrows of all things (my husband teases me all the time). What a grub!

  2. Oh Sweet Mama, you are so lovely! I adore baking cards that show they've been used, but laminating them is a really good idea. I'm so glad that you like them, Lucy is just far too clever for words! xo

    1. Splash proof baking cards, love it! Or perhaps a Made From Scratch recipe holder with a clear splash-proof plastic panel? Hmmm... ;)


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