20 August 2012

weekends: ruffled feathers

Aside from eating cake, there's little more fun than being a fly on the wall and watching seven cakes being beautifully decorated. That's exactly what happened at Made From Scratch's ruffle cake class on the weekend – I was trying not to drool as I took a few snaps! Don't they look so cute? I highly recommend going along and learning how to do it from Rachael, it's a bit of a skill getting the ruffling right.

Rach and I had such a lovely weekend, baking and getting up to some secret mischief with some other lovely ladies (can't wait to show you later!). I'm a bit tired of sugar though I must say, especially after all my birthday treats last weekend, I'm definitely ready for a wee break. (No, that is NOT a strawberry milk in my hand right now. It's, er... oh nevermind, I can't deny my sweet tooth!)


  1. I definitely have plans to take Rachael's ruffle cake class - she is one talented lady (even if she's inspired a lust in me for a Kitchenaid Stand Mixer!). Am very excited to see what the secret mischief is - the photo Rachael posted is such a tease!

    1. Yes, she's a clever thing! It might not be as relaxing as the effects of acupuncture, but I reckon after devouring your own decorated ruffle cake you'd certainly go to a sugar-induced happy place (glad it went well, by the way!) x

  2. Lovely pics! Would have been such a fun class to attend!! Laura x

    1. It really was – baking something is one thing, but turning it into a piece of art is another :) So cool!


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