16 July 2012


Catching up with family and some old friends, check. Catching up on some sleep-ins, check. Catching up with my boy over weekend pancakes, ooh yes! Usually he makes them, but I decided to take charge of the pan on Saturday. Our secret ingredient for the fluffiest, creamiset pancakes is unsweetened yoghurt – try substituting half of your milk for it! This time I also added in some blueberries grown on a family member's patch. A spritz of lemon and a speckle of sugar and we were all set. Best way to start a weekend!


  1. Yum, love blueberry pancakes. I use buttermilk in mine and it makes them light and fluffy as well. Must use yoghurt next time though as I always end up wasting half of the buttermilk!

    1. Ooh yeah, yoghurt and buttermilk would probably have a pretty similar effect. We have a yoghurt maker so it's an ingredient we can always have on hand. Plus when you've got leftover yoghurt, it's easier to think of things to add it to... with muesli is the morning, with cake at afternoon tea time, and with a curry at dinner. Yum!


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