19 July 2014

wine's other purpose

The act of opening a bottle of wine is often associated with positive events – dates, dining out, birthdays, anniversaries; the list of celebrations goes on. But there is another side to wine... it has a much less glamorous (but potentially more satisfying) purpose where the substance is used to alleviate daily aches and pains. Introducing Bitch Fest wine, a faux product by Kenzie Owens.

"Bitch Fest lets women do what they do best. Get it all off your chest while venting over a big glass, stein or mug of wine. We recommend sharing a bottle with the ladies or having a bit of self therapy after a wonderfully craptastic day." Great idea, I can totally picture girlfriends all over the place turning up with a bottle of this in hand. All that's missing is the accompanying branded chocolate.

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